Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The "TOR" & the "TEE"

Ah .... Guru Lembu will try to be Lembu-pedia today ...

The "TOR" or the "OR" - always used when you give.

The "TEE" or the "EE" - always used when you receive.

Example. The PENETRATOR - the person who penetrates i.e. the farker or if you want to call him or her, the farkor also can. This is when you give.

The PENETRATEE - ahem, this is the person who gets penetrated i.e. the farkee. Heh heh.

Which brings Guru Lembu to his favorite question ... I mean, the following is a theory of Guru Lembu. You try it on your friends, especially the guys.

Ask any guy, if during sex, would he prefer to be a PENETRATOR or a PENETRATEE. My theory is, a REAL MAN would immediately say, what da fark? of course lah PENETRATOR!!!

But if your friend actually take some time to think about it and then give you an answer .... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ... me theory is, he has a dark side waiting to cross over. This theory of course applies to guys. If the girl responds immediately and say PENETRATOR, we know that she is the dominant one lah. If she thinks about it, means she is thinking ... hmmm... what would it be like if I am the one thrusting and penetrating ...?

Anyway ... dats me Guru Lembu theory. Try it on guys. See how long they take to answer... and if they do take a long time to answer (or rather does not answer immediately) ask him, what's with the doubt? Why this kind of thing also need to think wan is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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