Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Both my knees are injured. Totally farked up. So running is a problem for me. And doctors have adviced me to swim instead of running. The problem is, where da fark can I find a swimming pool which is convenient enough for me and cater to my farked up work schedule? Public pools. The nearest pools closest to me closes too damn early. Besides, you know what all the old people say about swimming late at night. Rheumatism. Coupled with my injuries, that's something which I might not want to venture into. Friends have suggested condominiums but so far, I don't know of any buddies who have a condominium unit in a really posh condo surroundings.
Okay okay, before you give me shit on why "really posh condo surroundings" here are the many reasons why. This is my advice, if you want to live in a condominium, go live in a really posh condominium. Why? At least its well maintained. But mind you, not all posh condominiums are well maintained. Reason? The richer they are, the more stingy these bastards will be. What has it got to do with my swimming?
If you buy a middle range kinda condominium, rest assured there will be bastards who won't pay the monthly maintenance. Their reasons? Its always this cocked up excuse that they are not happy with the way its maintained. Since there are farkers who won't pay, the pool won't be maintained. Fark. You don't want to swim in a pool that's greenish in color or that cultivates algae. I bet you if you swim in there long enough, you might just mutate and come out with an extra dick or additional tits or something. Besides, some of these so called swimming pools are so friggin small, you might as well throw in some kois and turn it into a koi pond. I mean, what's the point of promoting the sales of your condominiums with a swimming pool when all you can do is do a couple of strokes and you have completed swimming the entire pool.
And in some condominiums, even the poshy kind ... there are idiots! imbeciles! morons! who doesn't understand the concept of swimming. These are the pundeks who jumped into the pool fully clothed. They can't do that in public pools so they are happy that they have finally bought a condominium with their very own private pool. There are many occassions where I have seen these morons jump into the pool wearing shirts and track bottoms!!!! Geez! What da fark is wrong with all these people?
At the end of the day ... I think I will have to stick to running and continue to fark up my knees.

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