Monday, June 06, 2005


Can't really blog today. Its one of those days where you get so much work you don't even have time to shit. This is when you really wish you are like one of those monsters in a power puff girls cartoon, you know those with three heads and six arms. Then you would be sitting at a place with three tables and three computers.
One head and one pair of arms to do all those work which are urgent but not important. Don't know what I mean? Basically, its work which was due last week but not important. Not my bloody farking fault. I didn't procastinate on those. Usually clients would call you up telling you they need this done but was due last week. Tibai.
Another head and one pair of arms to do all those work which are important but not urgent. Huh? Don't know what the fark I am talking about? Neither do I.
Third head and one pair of arms to do work which are urgent and important. Like playing Warcraft Frozen Throne. LOL!!!!
Oh yeah, I forgot. One more head. The cock head and a pair of balls. You know do what lah! Need me to spell it out meh? Tibai ...
Ok. Enough shit from me. Back to work. Will try to blog every now and then. Don't bitch if there are no frequent updates. I really have shit load of work here. Fark!

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