Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wah Lau Eh ...

I haven't blogged about this .... but yeah, baby lembu is coming. In fact, baby lembu is coming out soon! That little monster has caused havoc in my life but I suppose that's what people say, That's Life!

I don't know how to start. When wifey told me that baby lembu was there, I was speechless. No I didn't faint. Anyway ... it was a lot of mixed feelings.

Why I am blogging about it? Actually, I am blogging more on the commercial side of it all. I just realised three things, if you want to get filthy rich, No. 1 Sell Slimming Products to Fat Ass Women, or No. 2 Sell Whitening Cream to those already "Pak Cham Kai" (Steamed White Chicken) Women or ... if you think you are too nobel to be doing No. 1 and No. 2 or you might get karma, you go into No. 3, sell baby stuff.

Since baby lembu is going to come out soon, wifey and I went shopping for his stuff. And man, was I shocked out of my cow hide. Friggin things are so friggin expensive. Take for example, his socks. Kan ni neh, one teeeny tiny pair of socks costs RM6.90!!!! Farks. Its even more expensive than my socks. Hell, in fact, my socks costs like RM10.90 for 3 pairs!!! What da fark man. Its not like them socks have microchips or circuits inside them. And worse part is, you know that those socks won't fit baby lembu in 3 months time. Sheesh ....

And since its your own baby lembu, you can't help but think of safety safety safety. And precisely based on this, them farkers charge you an arm and a leg. Example, strollers. Out of curiosity, I looked at the strollers. Well, some are so friggin cheap you tend to doubt it. You know lah .. the old saying, "Cheap Things No Good, Good Things No Cheap, Best Things in Life are Free" But when you look at some of the expensive range strollers .... my eyes popped out and my jaw dropped. Damn thing can come up to more than RM1,000!!!! Farks! When the sales attendant came and ask me if I needed assistance, I asked, "Miss, where do I put petrol for this? Got remote control ah?" She gives me that blur look. Farks, for this price, damn stroller better be able to transform into an autobot or decepticon or have some missile launchers where I can shoot some missiles up someone's ass if they are blocking me.

My wallet is still bleeding and I believe ... its going to bleed some more. Sighs ....

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