Friday, November 18, 2005

Conference Chat

Conference chat ...

lembu: tibais
Sirlen: tibai tibai?
lembu: tibai to u too
lembu: where is ur ex lover
sirlen: yes yes tibai
sirlen: dunno he not responds?
lembu: nopes
lembu: tibai fella now tinking he can do magic alredi
lembu: so now must be busy trying to do his magic
lembu: wif d chickies in his office
sirlen: HAHAHAHA
sirlen: ROTFL
lembu: dis is my WAND!
lembu: its magic
lembu: rub it
lembu: n watch it extend
lembu: ROTFL
lembu: he will YELLS
lembu: n his wand shall shoot
lembu: magic liquid blinding the chickies
lembu: ROTFL
sirlen: hahahahahahah
lembu: sms dat tibai n ask him
lembu: wat da fark he is doing lah
lembu: whether he is sneezing now
sirlen: hahahaha
sirlen: dunno la must be busy "teaching" some new chick in his offuis
lembu: with his “wand”
lembu: ROTFL
dave has joined the conference.

dave: hello boys!
sirlen: ah yo is here
sirlen: what was it again? coitus interruptus?
lembu: ROTFL
dave: huh?
dave: wat talking u

after lembu copied and pasted conversation

dave: when did this conversation takes place
dave: tibai farkers
lembu: ROTFL
sirlen: only just
sirlen: when you ffk us and dont want to join
dave: farker
dave: farking bastard
dave: tibai farkers
lembu: ROTFL

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