Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Broom

Some of you may have read about our Menteri Besar awarding a broom to state government agencies for not performing well enough.

Today, in the newspapers, you get people bitching and complaining that it was not appropriate to do so and the Menteri Besar should have found other ways to tell the agency to buck up.

FARK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you cant farking take the criticism, farking work your ass off!

I honestly think its a damn good idea. If they have done their jobs, they need not worry about embarassment or criticism. In bahasa, its called, TAHU MALU PUN!


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Anonymous said...

I support Dr Khir since PBT so lazy ....more the YDP can use the broom to whack his damn lazy worker...salute Dr Khir..brave move.